Output menu

Output column submenu

View unique values


The Unique values viewer for the column Word in the table Lexicon from the corpus ALICE.

This function creates an alphabetical list of all occurring values in the column. Each value occurs exactly once in the list. For the column Word in the example above, this corresponds to a list of all word types occuring in the corpus ALICE.

Clicking on the list header expands the header to show the number of unique values in the list. Clicking on the header again hides this number.

Clicking ‘Ok’ closes the Unique value viewer. Clicking ‘Save’ creates a comma-separated text file (CSV) containing all unique values.

Add a function


The Add a function dialog for the column Word in the table Lexicon from the corpus ALICE.

By using this dialog, a new output column is created, the values of which are calculated on the basis of the values of the current column. The following functions are available:


There is an entry field for functions that require an additional parameter.

COUNT counts the number of occurrences of the parameter value in the current column. For example COUNT with a parameter value of a counts the number of occurrences of the letter a for each value of the current column.

LENGTH counts the number of characters for each value of the current column. This function does not use the content of the parameter entry field.

MATCH returns the text yes for each value of the current column that matches the parameter, or no otherwise. Note that the parameter is evaluated as a regular expression. For example, MATCH with a parameter value of ^a|b returns yes for all values in the current column that begin with either the letter a or the letter b, and no for all other values.

REGEXP matches each value of the current column with the parameter, and returns the matching string. For example, REGEXP with a parameter value of plain.* returns from all values in the current column the substring that starts with the letter sequence plain, followed by any number of additional letters. If the parameter does not match a value in the current column, the function returns an empty string.

The following table illustrates the result of REGEXP(plain.*) for the Word column from the corpus ALICE:

Column value Function result
plainly plainly
complaining plaining
explained plained
complained plained
explain plain
... ...

The function output column created in this way can be selected and unselected just like a column that is provided by the corpus itself. To remove a function, right-click on the function output column and select ‘Remove function’.

Column options submenu

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Row options submenu

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